The newly created, fully populated room.
Fires when the client .well-known info is fetched.
The JSON object returned by the server
Fires whenever new user-scoped account_data is added.
matrixClient.on("accountData", function(event, oldEvent){
myAccountData[event.type] = event.content;
The event describing the account_data just added
lastEvent: MatrixEventFires whenever a Room is removed. This will fire when you forget a room. This event is experimental and may change.
The deleted room ID.
Fires whenever the SDK receives a new event.
This is only fired for live events received via /sync - it is not fired for events received over context, search, or pagination APIs.
The matrix event which caused this event to fire.
Fires whenever the SDK's syncing state is updated. The state can be one of:
NB: 'null' will never be emitted by this event.
<li>`null -> PREPARED` : Occurs when the initial sync is completed
first time. This involves setting up filters and obtaining push rules.
<li>`null -> ERROR` : Occurs when the initial sync failed first time.
<li>`ERROR -> PREPARED` : Occurs when the initial sync succeeds
after previously failing.
<li>`PREPARED -> SYNCING` : Occurs immediately after transitioning
to PREPARED. Starts listening for live updates rather than catching up.
<li>`SYNCING -> RECONNECTING` : Occurs when the live update fails.
<li>`RECONNECTING -> RECONNECTING` : Can occur if the update calls
continue to fail, but the keepalive calls (to /versions) succeed.
<li>`RECONNECTING -> ERROR` : Occurs when the keepalive call also fails
<li>`ERROR -> SYNCING` : Occurs when the client has performed a
live update after having previously failed.
<li>`ERROR -> ERROR` : Occurs when the client has failed to keepalive
for a second time or more.</li>
<li>`SYNCING -> SYNCING` : Occurs when the client has performed a live
update. This is called <i>after</i> processing.</li>
<li>`* -> STOPPED` : Occurs once the client has stopped syncing or
trying to sync after stopClient has been called.</li>
matrixClient.on("sync", function(state, prevState, data) {
switch (state) {
case "ERROR":
// update UI to say "Connection Lost"
case "SYNCING":
// update UI to remove any "Connection Lost" message
case "PREPARED":
// the client instance is ready to be queried.
var rooms = matrixClient.getRooms();
An enum representing the syncing state. One of "PREPARED", "SYNCING", "ERROR", "STOPPED".
An enum representing the previous syncing state. One of "PREPARED", "SYNCING", "ERROR", "STOPPED" or null.
data: SyncStateDataData about this transition.
Fires whenever the SDK receives a new to-device event.
The matrix event which caused this event to fire.
Fires if a to-device event is received that cannot be decrypted. Encrypted to-device events will (generally) use plain Olm encryption, in which case decryption failures are fatal: the event will never be decryptable, unlike Megolm encrypted events where the key may simply arrive later.
An undecryptable to-device event is therefore likley to indicate problems.
The undecyptable to-device event
Fires whenever a new Room is added. This will fire when you are invited to a room, as well as when you join a room. This event is experimental and may change.