possible states for a room key request

The state machine looks like:

| (cancellation sent)
| .-------------------------------------------------.
| | |
V V (cancellation requested) |
UNSENT -----------------------------+ |
| | |
| | |
V | Λ
SENT | |
|-------------------------------- | --------------'
| | (cancellation requested with intent
| | to resend the original request)
| |
| (cancellation requested) |
V |
| |
| (cancellation sent) |
V |
(deleted) <---------------------------+

Enumeration Members

CancellationPending: 2

reply received, cancellation not yet sent

CancellationPendingAndWillResend: 3

Cancellation not yet sent and will transition to UNSENT instead of being deleted once the cancellation has been sent.

Sent: 1

request sent, awaiting reply

Unsent: 0

request not yet sent
